The Best Choice for Lead-Free Wave Soldering SN100C is a lead-free solder alloy developed by Nihon Superior in Japan that is comprised of tin-copper-nickel + germanium. SN100C offers user-friendly properties and has been proven in commercial production since 1999. The result of these advantages is that SN100C offers high-throughput and the lowest cost of ownership as compared to any other lead-free solder alloy. Features:
Does Not Contain Silver or Bismuth Eutectic Alloy Bridge-Free and Icicle-Free Soldering Smooth, Bright, Well-Formed Fillets, Free of Gross Micro-Cracks, Irrespective of the Cooling Rate Good Through-Hole Penetration Good Topside Fillet Formation Dross Rate Equal or Lower Than Tin-Lead Solder Does Not Require a Nitrogen Atmosphere Does Not Erode Copper from Holes, Pads and Tracks Low Rate of Copper Leaching Makes It Easy to Control the Copper Content of the Solder Bath Lower Aggressiveness to Stainless Steel and Other Solder Pot Materials as Compared to Tin-Silver-Copper Alloys Thermal Fatigue Resistance and Creep Strength Better Than Tin-Lead Slow, Even Growth of the Intermetallic Layer at the Solder/Substrate Interface Also, Performs Well in Selective and Dip Soldering