ChipCap provides either analog or digital interfaces on a single, 5 VDC-powered chip. The package is highly resistant to chemical vapors and other contaminants. ChipCap sensors are precalibrated and offer high interchangeability. They also fully recover from condensing environments and may be used across a wide range of both temperature and relative humidity ranges.
Simultaneous Relative Humidity and Temperature Outputs
Precision Accuracy ±2% RH, ±0.6°C
Resolution 0.4% RH
Factory Selectable Analog or Digital Outputs
Output Configurations Available: Voltage 0 V to 1 V; 10 to 90% of VDD and ZACwire™ Digital Output (8-Bit Humidity)
Factory Calibrated, Ready-to-Use
Designed for Automated Assembly
Supply Voltage: 3.0 V to 5.5 V
Low Quiescent Current: 0.5 mA at 5 V, 25°C
SOP-14 Package