The Series DCT600 Timer Controller is a timing system for pulse-jet type dust collectors or pneumatic conveying systems in either continuous or on-demand cleaning applications. It provides either 4, 6, 10, 22 or 32 channels. The DCT600 was designed for ease of installation in your dust collector system. For installations requiring fewer channels than available on the board, a shorting plug (DCT604 & DCT610) or dip switches (DCT622 & DCT632) allows selection of the last used channel. Time-on and time-off settings are selected using two potentiometers. High-limit and low-limit control inputs are provided for use with on-demand systems. Units can also work in continuous clean mode. The new enhanced board circuitry of the DCT600 synchronizes the on-time pulse to the power line to achieve a pulse stability of ?1 msec. For safety, the control circuitry including the control inputs and the last channel jumper is isolated from the power line.