Eurotherm Piccolo Controllers
Piccolo™ controllers offer precision PID control of temperature and other processes with many advanced features not normally found in this class of controllers.
Performance - Designed to offer outstanding performance in an affordable package providing a complete solution for a wide variety of applications, this range guarantees extremely easy access to parameterization and operation in a high quality unit. Despite their advanced features, the controllers are easy to use and apply and may be customised for ease of operation. Full autotune is provided.
Ramp-soak timer and soft start - A ramp soak timer is provided for time based profiling of temperature sequences. These can be used to gradually vary the temperature in a control zone before maintaining it at a defined level, and is typically used to avoid the dangers of damage due to thermal shock.
Overshoot elimination - The unique cutback system ensures precise control to setpoint and when correctly tuned inhibits temperature overshoot.