Real-Time Thermal Imaging and Analysis for Machine Vision and Test & Measurement
The A5sc, A15sc, and A35sc are affordable Infrared Camera Kits designed specifically for thermal bench top testing applications. The compact packaging makes the AX5sc a perfect kit for the bench top and allows for deployment in locations where size constraints are critical. They are available in a variety of pixel resolutions and can meet the spatial resolution requirements of most applications.
Eliminate the Guesswork — See heat patterns with the thermal imagery and extract temperature values from live or recorded imagery.
Uncooled Microbolometer Detector — Maintenance-free and provides excellent longwave imaging performance.
Pixel Resolution and Optics — Available in 80 × 64, 160 × 128, 320 × 256 pixel formats to achieve numerous fields of view.
Versatility — Compact, rugged, and lightweight with straightforward mounting that permits quick installation and easy movement for new application requirements.
Plug-and-Play Compatibility — The ideal system integration solution with universal plug and play through GigE Vision and GEN<i>CAM protocols, these cameras can be fully configured from a PC, allowing camera control and image capture in real time.
Fast Data Transfer — Its RJ-45 gigabit Ethernet connection supplies 14-bit images at frame rates as high as 60 Hz.
Image and Data Acquisition — Record thermal snapshots and movies with FLIR Tools + recording and analysis software.
Kit Components — Includes everything needed for quick "out of box" deployment.
Key Features:
80 × 64 resolution (5,120 spot measurement)
60 Hz Frame Rate
Small bench top footprint
<0.05°C thermal sensitivity
Tools+ Thermal Imagery
Tools+ Thermal Snap-shot and Movie recording
Tools+ Live and play-back Thermal Analysis
Tools+ Analysis Reporting and Data Sharing