The TS52 PRO Test Set features backlit LCD and glow-in-the-dark keypad.
Display—backlit LCD and glow-in-the-the dark keypad
DataSafe Pro—superior high-impedance monitoring, lockout and override, making you completely safe in any mode
DropSafe—passes 20-foot drop test
DSL/POTS Filtering Technology—allows technicians to clip on a live DSL line to test POTS service without downing or disrupting data service
RainSafe–designed for use in rain conditions.
2-way hands-free speakerphone—for true hands-free conversation
Test Functions
Data indication—warns when data is present.
Voltage indication—troubleshooting feature to identify potential line problems
Current (mA) indication—verifies sufficient line current
Caller-ID—verifies service is functional
DTMF Digit Grabbing—isolate faulty customer premise equipment
Fluke Networks’ new TS52 PRO Test Set features the latest in test set technology. Designed with a superior, radiant liquid crystal display (LCD) user interface, it allows you to see what cannot be heard in any outside plant environment.
The back lit LCD and phosphorescent (glow-in-the-dark) keypad brings light to even the darkest of work environments, providing perfect line diagnostic clarity.
The TS52 PRO Test Set is also equipped with 2-way speakerphone and DataSafe™ Pro data protection technology featuring superior high-impedance monitoring, Data Lockout and Lockout Override, making you completely safe.