Hall-effect position sensors have a thermally balanced integrated circuit over full temperature range. Most unit have reverse polarity protection and can operate from 3.0 to 24 VDC Bipolar, latching, unipolar and omnipolar magnetic types are available. Package types include 3-Pin SIP (flat TO-92) and surface-mount (SOT-23).
Hall-Effect Technology
Temperature Compensated Magnetics
Wide Operating Temperature Range
Reverse Polarity (All Except SS411P, SS311PT)
Built-In Pull-Up Resistor (SS411P, SS311PT Only)
All SS3x P/N's Are on Tape & Reel (3000/Reel)
Package Size:
Flat TO-92: 0.16" W × 0.12" H × 0.06" D
SOT-23: 0.11" W × 0.06" H × 0.05" D
Lead Spacing: 0.050" (SIP)
Termination Style: 3-Pin SIP or 3-Pin SMT