The Explorer 16 is a low cost, efficient development board to evaluate the features and performance of Microchip's new PIC24 Microcontrollers, the dsPIC33 Digital Signal Controller (DSC) families, and the new 32-bit PIC32MX devices. Coupled with the MPLAB ICD 2 In Circuit Debugger or MPLAB REAL ICE, real-time emulation and debug facilities speed evaluation and prototyping of application circuitry. The Explorer 16 100-pin features two interchangeable Plug-In Modules (PIMs), one each for the PIC24FJ128GA010 and the dsPIC33FJ256GP710 DSC. The Explorer 16 44-pin features a Plug-In Module (PIM) for the PIC24FJ64GA004.
Includes PIC24FJ128GA010 and the dsPIC33FJ256GP710 DSC Digital Signal Controller PIMs (100-pin version) or the PIC24FJ64GA004 PIM (44-pin version).
Alpha-numeric 16 x 2 LCD display
Interfaces to MPLAB ICD 2, MPLAB REAL ICE, USB, and RS-232
Includes Microchip's TC1047A high accuracy, analog output temperature sensor
Expansion connector to access full devices pin-out and bread board prototyping area
PICTail™ Plus connector for expansion boards