The Microchip dsPICDEM™ MCSM Development Board is targeted to control both unipolar and bipolar stepper motors in open-loop or closed-loop (current control) mode. The hardware is designed in such a way that no hardware changes are necessary for 8-, 6- or 4-wire stepper motors in either bipolar or unipolar configurations. Software to run motors in open-loop or closed-loop with full or variable micro-stepping is provided. A GUI for controlling step commands, motor parameter input, and operation modes is included. This flexible and cost-effective board can be configured in different ways for use with Microchip’s specialized dsPIC33F Motor Control Digital Signal Controllers (DSCs). The dsPICDEM MCSM Development Board offers a mounting option to connect either a 28-pin SOIC device or a generic 100-pin Plug-In Module (PIM). A dsPIC33FJ32MC204 DSC PIM (MA330017) is included.