VersaBlade™ Wire-to-Wire Connector System
VersaBlade™ Wire-to-Wire Connector System enables reliable signal and power transmission at 300V and 15.0A with superior mating reliability, polarization and easy harness assembly. Multi-circuit appliance/HVAC wire-to-wire applications, such as refrigerators, washing machines, heating units and ventilators, often use numerous power and signal connectors. However, multiple similarly-configured harnesses increase the risk of mis-mating and signal failure. Providing superior mating reliability, VersaBlade™ Wire-to-Wire Connectors enable both power and signal capabilities in one system with features that prevent mis-mating and resulting signal failure
Additionally, assembly of multiple connectors to accommodate power and signal needs increases manufacturing time and costs. The VersaBlade System simplifies assembly process with a single connector for both power and signal, saving in harness production time and costs.