This voltage monitor is intended for use as a protection device for electronic equipment in the event of a brown out condition. When the input voltage to the module is greater than the reset point voltage, the relay is energized and the LED turns on. However, if the input voltage falls below the selected setpoint voltage value, the relay de-energized and the LED turns off.
Operating Voltage: 0-132 VAC
Relay Output, SPDT (1 Form C)
Indication: Green LED; ‘On’ for Normal Condition
Automatic Reset
Undervoltage Set Point: 78-99 VAC
Output Rating: 8 A Resistive @ 250 VAC, 30 VDC Max.; 100 mA @ 5 VDC
Wiring: 0.25" × 0.32" Terminals
Size (H × W × D): 2.00" × 2.00" × 1.25"