E3X-NA41F 2M产品概述
Fiber-Optic Amplifier, Prewired Connection Type, Red LED Light Source
A fiber-optic sensor system consisting of an optical cable and an amplifier. The amplifier emits, receives and converts the light energy into an electrical signal. The fiber optic cable, on the other-hand, is the mechanical component that transports light energy, into and out-of areas that are either too space constrained or too hostile, back to the amplifier.
Streamlined Features Provide Basic Sensing Immediately After Plug-In
Wire-Saving Amplifiers Reduce Installation Time and Minimize Space Requirements
Master/Slave Connector Design Affords Connectivity for Up to Sixteen Wire-Saving Amplifiers
Use the LED Bar Display to Quickly Confirm Sensor Performance
Optical Communication Design Prevents Mutual Interference for Up to Five Amplifiers
Green LED Models Address Mark-Detecting Applications
High-Speed Models Have a Response Time of 50 μS
Select a Water-Resistant Model (IP66 Rating) Using An M8 Connector
Prewired Water-Resistant Models Are Available