Panasonic FPWINPROSEN5 FPWINPRO Ver. 5.0 software programming tool, small version. FPWIN Pro is the Panasonic PLC programming software developed according to the international standard IEC 61131-3 (for Windows® 2000/XP/Vista). This new version is a result of experience gained over many years. A ?exible choice of editors decreases programming time considerably, allowing you to choose the programming language with which you are most familiar or that best suits your project's structure.
One Software for All Panasonic PLCs
5 Programming Languages: IL (Instruction List), LD (Ladder Diagram) , FBD (Function Block Diagram ), SFC (Sequential Function Chart ), ST (Structured Text)
6 Languages Are Fully Supported: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Japanese
Well-Structured Through Program Organization Units, Task and Project Management
Remote Programming, Service, and Diagnostics Via Modem or Ethernet
Extensive Comments and Online Documentation Created Hand in Hand with the Program
Minimum Program Size Through Optimized Compiler
Powerful Debugging and Monitoring Tools Provide Information on the Current Status of the PLC
Comprehensive Printed Documentation and Support for Function Blocks and Libraries Help to Get Your Hardware Running in Record Time While Maintaining Rigorous Quality Standards
Supports User Created Functions and Function Blocks to Save Time
Archive Project Files Inside the PLC with Comments, Variables, etc