The CUB7P is an 8-digit miniature programmable counter with large 0.35 inch (8.90 mm) high digits. It has an LCD read-out available in Positive Image Reflective, Negative Image Transmissive with yellow/green backlighting, or red backlighting. Backlight units require an external 9 to 28 VDC power supply.
The CUB7P is available in either Low Speed Contact or High Speed Logic. The Contact versions (CUB7P0xxx) operate from a switch contact or an NPN open collector transistor. The Logic versions (CUB7P2xx) operate from 3 VDC logic output or from an NPN open collector transistor.
The CUB7P has a programmable prescaler that can be set for any value between 0.0001 and 1.9999. The decimal point position can be set anywhere from 0 (no D.P.) to 0.000000 or no Leading Zero Blanking. Both the prescaler and DP selection are accessed using the front panel PGM and RESET push buttons. See Programming for details. Note that the count, prescaler and DP values will be lost if the battery is removed.
The CUB7P counters use a CMOS LSI chip, mounted on a gold-plated substrate, that is electrically connected by ultrasonic wire-bonding. Proven micro-electronic assembly and manufacturing techniques provide these units with the reliability and dependability required for industrial service.
The CUB7P series is housed in a lightweight, high impact plastic case with a clear viewing window. The sealed front panel with the silicone rubber buttons meets NEMA 4X/IP65 specifications for wash-down and/or dusty environments, when properly installed.