Designed for simple installations and small, compact machines, TWIDO® Programmable Controllers cover standard applications comprising 10 to 100 Inputs/Outputs (252 I/O Maximum). Available in Compact or Modular versions, they share the same options, I/O Expansions and Programming Software. Compact, simple and flexible, TWIDO® can also communicate on CANopen, Modbus and Ethernet. TWIDO® Controllers, in complete synergy with associated Schneider Electric control products, enable you to combine compactness, performance, flexibility and connectivity. These Controllers connect, without a power supply, to the Magelis(r) XBTN Compact Display/Operator Interface units. TWIDO® connects to TeSys U-Line starters for power control and ATV31 Variable Frequency Drives for high quality performance at a very low cost. Features:
Flexible — Chose Compact or Modular Base Units Self-Configure Your Solution By Adding the Required I/O Expansion Units and Options Communication — Treat Yourself to a High Performance, Economical Communication Solution with CANopen, Modbus or Ethernet Capability Compact — TWIDO® Can Be Installed Anywhere Imagine a Controller with 40 I/O That Can Fit in the Palm of Your Hand; Only 0.71" Wide Ease-of-Installation — Need to Add I/O Expansions or Options? No Tools or Cables Required; Units Snap Together Specifications: Communications: Base Units Include RS485 Port and Modbus Protocol