The DG406 is a 16-channel single-ended analog multiplexer designed to connect one of sixteen inputs to a common output as determined by a 4-bit binary address. Break-before-make switching action protects against momentary shorting of inputs. An on channel conducts current equally well in both directions. In the off state each channel blocks voltages up to the power supply rails. An enable (EN) function allows the user to reset the multiplexer/demultiplexer to all switches off for stacking several devices. All control inputs, address (Ax) and enable (EN) are TTL compatible over the full specified operating temperature range.
Low On-Resistance: rDS(on): 50 Ohm
Low Charge Injection: Q: 15 pC
Fast Transition Time: tTRANS: 200 ns
Low Power: 0.2 mW
Single Supply Capability
44 V Supply Max. Rating