The resistive element comprises a thin film of nickel-chrome alloy evaporated onto a high thermal conductivity ceramic element. Metal end caps are force fitted to the element prior to spiraling to value. Tinned copper lead wires and the components are then coated. One coat of phenolic resin is followed by three coats of epoxy resin. All resistors are tested for value and tolerance.
Superior Quality Metal Film Resistors with 1% Tolerance and Temperature Coefficients Down to 50 ppm. 3 Case Sizes Available in 0.25, 0.6 and 0.75 W. The LR1L Series is a Low Ohmic Value Range from 0.1 to 0.82 Ohm. Ideally Suited where Low Resistance and Small Size are Required
Metal Film Resistors Have Excellent Stability Under Load and Severe Environmental Conditions. They Exhibit Very Low Noise Current and Voltage Coefficients. They are Available in a Wide Range of Resistance Values and are Suitable for General Purpose and Precision Applications